“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” – Cicero
Add Charm to Your Space With the Perfect Bookshelf
A bookshelf can mean a simple rack, but it can also entail unique designs, timelessly elegant joinery, and stylish improvisations.
You may also elevate your bookshelf – and the rest of the room with it – by arranging your books in a certain way, introducing LED lights and additional decor.
We’ll go through plenty of lovely bookshelf ideas that are sure to inspire you.
1. Home Library
Most enthusiastic readers dream of eventually having their own home library.
You can easily create your own by devoting a corner to exclusive books, with an occasional piece of art to break the monotony.
2. Home Office
In the modern day, with remote jobs on the constant rise, having a home office is no longer a luxury.
Given that you’re working in your home environment, be sure to decorate it to your liking, and of course, enrich it with books.
3. Dream With Your Books
There are plenty of creative solutions to surround your bedside with your favorite reads.
Books are one of the best ways to get ready for sleep.
They allow us to relax and unburden our minds from the day’s worries, and more importantly, they’re a great alternative to looking at the small screen until late in the night.
4. Ceiling to the Floor
If you’re set on getting a built-in shelf for your precious books, make sure to use every inch of the space for the optimal effect.
This will create a cozy atmosphere in the room and make you feel like you’ve got your personal library.
5. Don’t Run From Odd Angles
Even if you’re stuck with the most asymmetrical space of all, there’s a way to go around it and still have your perfect bookshelf.
The keyword, you guessed it, is built-in. With these shelves, you can store your books pretty much in every nook and cranny of your home.
6. The Bookshelf Wealth Trend
This stylish trend entails combining your bookshelf with timeless, luxury decor.
Delft pottery, shiny hardware, and stylish candle holders on or around the bookshelf are the way to achieve “bookshelf wealth” in your own home.
7. Antique Vibes
Use muted colors and vintage wallpapers to make your personal library look like something from a storybook.
8. Getting Creative With Wallpapers
Make your bookshelf appear custom-made and unique by using wallpapers in creative ways.
Combine a particular wallpaper with your carpentry to a tee to achieve this in your own space.
9. The Commode Alternative
What if you used your living room commode to store books instead of decorative drinks and pottery?
I mean, you could always combine the two.
This is a great solution if you want to use books to promote the room’s elegance, but can’t afford a built-in one. It looks just as seamless and effortless.
10. A Wall of Books
Devote an entire wall to your library to create an awesome and unique space that’s sure to turn heads.
11. Create Contrast
Make your bookshelf pop by combining it with contrasting surroundings.
Choose fun, bright colors that will make your reading space inspiring and enjoyable.
12. Fun Shapes
Who said every bookshelf has got to be a tedious rectangle?
Introduce fun shapes, such as your favorite animal or object, and use your shelf to singlehandedly elevate the entire room.
13. Use the Stairway Corner
The vast majority of houses have very little room in the stairway corner. It’s commonly adorned with a painting or a potted flower.
However, if you were to introduce a built-in bookshelf, you could make the commonly unused corner pop.
14. Refreshing Colors
Introduce uncommon hues into your home and make sure your bookshelves match!
It’s one of many ways to make your home, as well as your reading nook, truly unique.
15. Window Reading Nook
If your home is blessed with a window seat, make sure to surround it with bookshelves. Both are incredibly decorative, as well as functional.
Together, they make for the most optimal reading nook you can imagine – with plenty of storage, comfort, and a view.
16. Luxury Bookshelf
This is a modern twist on the “bookshelf wealth” trend.
Show off your art, exclusive edition books, and costly decor that’s perfectly matched to the rest of your modern space.
17. Going Monochrome
Another great way to enrich your space with the custom-made vibe is to make sure everything’s matched.
Choose a monochrome design for your bookshelves, the surrounding furniture, and even the walls.
18. Make Use of That High Ceiling
A high ceiling is a great way to fit twice as many books in your home library without it looking cluttered.
On the one hand, you have a chance to fill the empty space, and on the other, you can continue to buy books to your heart’s content.
19. A Panel of Books
Can’t decide whether to combine your bookshelf with the wall paint or to introduce a wallpaper?
How about neither?
Use built-in bookshelves to create wall panels and surround the whole room with books.
20. Utopia for Nerds
Use merch, lights, and special editions to create the ultimate nerdy bookshelf.
21. A Book at Hand
A great way to fill the empty bedside wall and provide your room with additional storage is to introduce a bookshelf right by your bed.
Your favorite reads will always be right at your fingertips, and you’ll have yourself a more charming, personal space.
22. Chic Bookshelf
Choose a bookshelf with plenty of shiny hardware and combine it with art deco details to create a chic reading corner for yourself.
23. Minimalist Bookshelf
A plain, iron bookshelf has the potential to look amazing in the right surroundings.
Elevate your organic modern space with a matching, minimalist bookshelf.
24. Rustic Bookshelf
Decorate a simple wooden bookshelf with plenty of rustic decor to create a plain, comforting reading space.
25. Modern Bookshelf
Use fun streaks of color and sleek shapes to create a modern home office filled with books.
26. Carved Bookshelf
Bold and undoubtedly expensive, but a possible solution for a unique bookshelf is one carved inside a tree trunk.
The right designer could create this and other creative bookshelves that transform your space.
27. Color-Coded Arrangement
The simplest and budget-friendly way to switch things up with your bookshelf is to rearrange your books by color.
You’ll have a proper rainbow on your wall. Now, this means that your non-fiction could end up next to romance, but set your priorities.
28. In the Walls
Too many books and no room for a bookshelf?
There’s a lovely solution. You could have your walls carved out and shelves built into them. The end result is seamless, elegant, and space-saving.
29. Playing With Lights
Use LED tape to add an extra decorative streak to your bookshelf.
30. Invert the Books
Now, some find this to be a great decorative solution, while others consider it blasphemy. Pick your side.
If you’re in love with the enduring beige trend, inverted books are a perfect match.
In Conclusion
We’re visual creatures and it’s at times of utmost importance to us to show off the things we love.
Art collectors show off their pottery and paintings, enthusiastic drinkers show off expensive brews and readers show off their most beloved books.
A shelf can make or break your book display. Choose one that’s of high quality and matching with the general vibes of your room.