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Transform Any Room With Floating Shelves: Elegance Meets Practicality

Transform Any Room With Floating Shelves: Elegance Meets Practicality

If you are struggling with storage space, floating shelves might be just the right solution for you!

Not only do they look elegant and modern, but they also serve as a decorative wall piece, displaying your favorite possessions.

You can always use them for extra storage in different rooms, from the bathroom, kitchen, and living room, to the home office and children’s room.

Explore these ideas and see which ones might be useful for your storage solution.

Floating Shelves Around A Fireplace

Floating shelves will look majestic next to your fireplace.

They will not only add sophistication and elegance but will also serve to display all your favorite family photos or decorations you always admired.

You can also use them for your TV, radio, or books.

Use Them For Bathroom Decor

If you are not sure where to put your bathroom decor, try installing two floating shelves that match your bathroom design.

This will make them visible and serve as a centerpiece. Add candles, soap, or mini towels on them as well.

For Cups And Spices

Floating shelves can be used in your kitchen, on the side wall, for spices, cups, or cutlery.

It will make them look like an exhibit while also being practical.

Use Them In Your Office

Your office will definitely be transformed if you add floating shelves for your office supplies, books, or ornaments.

Try adding lights under the shelves for a sophisticated and elegant look.

Floating Shelves In Minimalistic Setting

They will perfectly match any minimalist room because they are simple, elegant, and somehow futuristic.

Try to match the coloring to your minimalistic decor so they look seamlessly blended in.

In-Between Kitchen Patterns

If you do not want your kitchen tiles and walls to look very different and separate from each other, try adding a floating shelf between the two areas.

This will help protect the walls and also look extremely stylish.

Perfect For Baby Rooms

Floating shelves are perfect for baby rooms as well since they are simple and offer enough storage for small stuff.

They will add style and practicality to your baby’s room.

Use Them For Decorative Purposes

Even if you do not need extra storage, floating shelves can be used for decorative purposes.

They will look stunning if you match them to your wall color and add decoration that would normally be placed on ordinary shelves.

This way, your space will look more modern and chic.

Add Style To Your Home Office

These shelves will provide enough storage for your home office supplies while not taking a lot of space and adding style simultaneously.

Bathroom Corner Storage

Your bathroom corner usually does not have a lot of purpose, but floating corner shelves can change that.

This will provide extra storage while looking elegant and unique.

Add Them Above Cupboards

If your cupboards do not offer enough space and you simply need to store extra stuff there, floating shelves placed above cupboards will offer additional storage space.

Also, if you add decoration, they can look pretty cool.

Place Them In-Between Kitchen Cabinets

For those of you who have gaps between kitchen cabinets, floating shelves can be an excellent addition to them.

They will connect the cabinets while providing space for spices, cups, or plates. Also, you can exhibit your most beautiful sets here.

Floating Shelves For Empty Corners

If your room has empty or unused corners, you can add floating shelves to fill up the space and add decoration to it.

These shelves look beautiful framed by a blue cabinet which gives them contrast and makes them pop.

Use A Floating Shelf To Break Monotony

If your walls look monotonous, try adding a floating shelf in the middle to make them look more interesting.

This is a great way to create more space as well.

They Can Hold Your Favorite Memories

Floating shelves can be used to present and cherish your most valuable moments.

Place your favorite photos on them to feel like you are reliving these moments over and over again. A true wall art!