This isn’t an illusion, you can actually rent Harry Houdini’s mansion! It’s disputable if he really lived here, but it is said that he and his wife spent a lot of time here, plus she lived in the guest house after his passing. The original home burnt down in 1959, but it was recently restored! …
Black houses look powerful and magical. Every single person will notice a black house. The only downside is that it can be scalding in the summer since dark colors attract sunlight. But, if you choose good materials, you will be fine. Besides, life is too short to avoid something you absolutely love. If you’re hot, …
Most people think that tiny homes are just cramped spaces where you practically need to squeeze into the shower or hit your head every time you’re trying to go to bed! This doesn’t have to be the case! Tiny homes can be lavish and luxurious while being practical at the same time! The tiny homes …
A Craftsman-style home is the American Sweetheart, a public favorite if you will. It’s a unique style with recognizable exteriors and cozy interiors! It came to be as a backlash to the mass-produced Victorian homes during the Industrial Revolution. The Craftsman emphasizes the importance of natural materials and handcrafted details. Some of the most prominent …
Boat houses are a popular choice for a vacation home, and sometimes even for permanent housing. Though these houses are usually designed to include comfortable living quarters, their primary function is to store water vessels. Commonly, those are smaller rowing and motorboats. 1. Design Is the Budget-Friendly Part Much like any other construction project, the …
A good choice of pink color can brighten up and refresh any room, and the bedroom, too. From light, pastel, vivid, coral, bright, and dark tones, there is a wide range of shades of pink for everyone. Also, this color can be used as an accent or detail. On the other side, pink is not …
Have you ever felt like having a glass of whiskey in a dark bedroom corner, sitting on a dark green leather chair, and reading your favorite book? Dark interior, wood, leather – this style is described as ‘dark academia‘ and it is becoming extremely popular lately. It is a perfect choice if your beige bedroom …
Not all houses are just houses; some are works of art. The Invisible House in Joshua Tree offers a truly unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Unlike anything you’ve seen before, it’s a marvel of architecture. Some call it a horizontal skyscraper. Others compare it to a stealth spacecraft. But one thing is certain: it’s one of the …
The kitchen is one of the most important spaces in the house. In some cases, if the house is small or the living room is connected to the kitchen, it becomes the center of events in the house. There is a basic rule that no one can miss: the kitchen must be 100% functional. A …
Having a small bathroom can be a drag when you don’t know how to utilize that small space and make it look bigger. Since you won’t have much space to work with, it’s a perfect opportunity to go all out! Your personal oasis shouldn’t just be practical and bright, you can make it stylish too! …