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12 Key Elements That Define the Ultimate Ranch House

12 Key Elements That Define the Ultimate Ranch House

A ranch-style house recalls a certain image in most of our minds, that being a remote Southern townhouse, complete with cowboys and cactuses.

However, this architectural style is loved all around the world and it’s branched out into many sub-styles.

We’ll check out 12 elements of the ranch house exterior, as well as the interior and the in-between.

1. How to Recognize a Ranch-Style Home?

Ranch houses are commonly wide and low-slung structures. Though you may occasionally see a two-story ranch house, they typically only consist of the ground floor.

That’s what gives them their barnish charm. These houses are cozy and rugged at once.

1.1 How to Recognize a Ranch-Style Home?

This architectural direction is inseparable from American history, the Wild West, and even South America.

Ranch houses became popular in the 1920s. Their unique shape and construction made the houses easy to maintain.

2. The Origin of the Ranch-Style Home Design

Their tall roofs are an ancient solution to maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature, which came in handy in the Southwestern areas.

3. There Are Different Kinds of Ranch Houses Today

Though for a time they seemed to have lost their appeal after World War II, they are back in style.

4. California Ranch House

This is the classic among ranch-style homes, which originated back in the 1930s.

5. Suburban Ranch House

Suburbs are the town areas that became popular at the end of World War II, when many people sought a more tranquil solution to living in cities.

5.1 Suburban Ranch House

Similar to the California ranch houses, the suburbs are a tad smaller and of simpler construction.

6. Split-Level Ranch House

This ranch style was super popular in the 1960s and 70s. The split-level part relates to the variations in the number of floors on different sides of the house.

6.1 Split-Level Ranch House

Though this is all but a typical ranch house, it’s still a widely popular variant.

7. Raised Ranch House

This variant may seem the same as the split-level ranch house, though it’s got a simpler structure – which usually consists of two stories.

8. Where Are Ranch Houses Commonly Seen Today?

Long story short, they’re popular all across the Americas. From California, Midwest, and down to Mexico.

9. What About the Indoors?

There are several common characteristics to look for when it comes to the interior design of a ranch house.

It can be very simple and cozy if that’s your style.

9.1 What About the Indoors?

And it may as well be obscenely luxurious if you so please.

10. Keep the Ceiling Tall, Tall, Tall

You want that barn effect in order to call your home a ranch house.

10.1 Keep the Ceiling Tall, Tall, Tall

If you combine your tall ceiling with wooden beams, then you have yourself a true classic.

10.2 Keep the Ceiling Tall, Tall, Tall

As a matter of fact, the more natural and naturalistic elements you include, the better.

11. Keep the Palette Natural

The exact color you should choose depends on the kind of ambiance you wish to create.

11.1 Keep the Palette Natural

However, keep in mind that the ranch house style is defined by dim colors, white, and wooden shades.

12. Don’t Shy Away from a Little Modernism

Slim and boxy modern shapes can bring a little minimalism and a modern vibe to your space – even if it’s within a ranch house.

13. The Inbetween

We’ve gone through the interior and the exterior, now let’s look to the middle.

The backyard, or better yet, the patio of your ranch-style house is very important.

13.1 The Inbetween

With a ranch house, your property becomes your hacienda.

Make sure you have a great spot to admire it from.