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Attic Makeover: 7 Tips for a Cozy Attic Bedroom

Attic Makeover: 7 Tips for a Cozy Attic Bedroom

Attics often end up being used as storage rooms, because of their unconventional shape and size, as well as the recognizable sloped ceiling.

That’s understandable because as decorative and fun as the sloping windowed ceiling may seem, it makes furniture placement quite complicated.

More often than not, attics require built-in wardrobes and storages, and otherwise custom-made details.

Still, if you’ve ventured turning your attic into a bedroom – for kids, guests or yourself – you’re probably wondering how to use decor to make the most of your new space.

It’s Important to Be Smart About Decorating Your Attic Bedroom

Such a small and peculiar space requires all the tips and tricks you can find in order to make the most of it.

If you use the sloped and stroppy space in the right way, from there it’s easy to decorate it in any of the popular interior styles.

You can go boho, like in the above picture, or you can make your attic bedroom modern.

Follow These 7 Decorating Tips to Create an Attic Bedroom of Your Dreams

  1. Position the furniture in the right way
  2. Try not to overcrowd
  3. Use the sloped corner cleverly
  4. Take advantage of the natural light
  5. Mix and match colors if you have room
  6. Go monochrome in a tiny space
  7. Avoid Ceiling Light

Furniture Placement Matters Even More in an Attic Room

When it comes to an attic bedroom, furniture placement matters even more than in ordinary rooms.

Why? Because if you place your furniture the wrong way, you’re not only affecting the harmony of the space, but you may not even be able to move comfortably.

Custom-made and built-in furniture could do wonders for your attic.

Maximalism Isn’t a Great Idea for an Attic

Keeping your decor and furniture minimal is the best idea when it comes to an attic bedroom.

Odds are your attic space is already smaller than an average room, so it’s a good idea to preserve as much open space as you can.

You want to create an illusion of spaciousness. You can achieve that by keeping your decor minimal, using open colors, and perhaps introducing mirrors where they fit nicely.

Mirrors are a great way of making a room appear larger than it is.

Avoid Placing Any Tall Objects in the Sloped Corner

Placing a tall lamp or a commode on the sloped side leads to the creation of unutilized space. It would stick out and take up much more room than it would when placed against a taller wall.

So save your sloped corners for desks, short armchairs, beds, and smaller commodes.

Alternatively, you could use your sloped walls as the frame for a built-in wardrobe or a bookcase.

Though a bookcase is a lot more decorative and allows you to display your favorite novels.

The Roof Window is a Big Plus

Many attic rooms include a roof window, which allows for plenty of natural light. Make sure you don’t cover up the window with any furniture.

Shades aren’t a bad idea, especially if you like to sleep in in the morning, though try to allow the skylight in as often as possible.

Mix It Up With Your Walls and Ceilings

Since you’re working with limited space, you must use everything at your disposal to make it decorative.

One way to go about beautifying your attic bedroom is mixing it up with wall colors. You can do that by having your walls in one color and your ceiling in another.

Alternatively, you can incorporate wooden beams to make your ceiling pop and stand out from the rest of the room.

Keep It Monochrome

On the other hand, if your attic room is really small, you may keep the walls monochrome to make it appear spacious.

And if you’d still like to add some detail, you can always opt for using wallpaper instead of ordinary paint.

Overhead Light Isn’t a Good Idea

Though overhead light in an attic bedroom isn’t unheard of, it’s not usually recommended as the best option.

One reason is that attic ceilings are lower than in conventional rooms, and a hanging light could quickly become a nuisance for you as you move around the room.

Another is that attic rooms often aren’t symmetrical in shape.

The ceiling light works best when it’s positioned in the middle of the room. But when the room doesn’t have a symmetrical middle, it runs the risk of looking bad.

In Conclusion

Though they require a little extra creativity and planning, attic bedrooms have the potential to be a proper, cozy space all of your own if you design and decorate them right.